Thursday, January 15, 2015

Being a "Santa Claus" ?

"There are two kinds of people in the world. Givers and Takers. The takers may eat better but the givers sleep better."

Hola ! I wanna share a little bit bout my Christmas holidays last month. Actually it's not really a holiday, i mean it's just a normal day without university life. And rather than going to the uni, i had to go to the embassy and working there for the whole Christmas break. Should it still be considered as a holiday ?? Hmm ..

I wish i could have a sweet little escape for me after the whole killing presentation day before the break. Actually I've searched for some flight tickets to travel to Warsaw or Vienna, but in the end i just couldn't make it happened. 

Here is some reason :
  1. Responsibility to work. You just couldn't run away from your job, could you ?
  2. I tried to spend more time with my cell group since i always feel guilty for them that i couldn't spend much time with them in my normal day.
  3. Responsibility to the ministry, i had to make the financial report for the whole year and on our sunday service at that week i also had to serve at the multimedia team and after that we still had a yearly meeting for the board members of the church.
  4. My friends from Spain dropped by in Berlin, so i tried to be a good host for them.

One thing that i realized in the end of the break is a word "Santa Claus". I don't know why but i just felt like that last Christmas i was just like a Santa. I tried to give more love, more happiness, more time by sacrificing my 'me' time.

You know, i spent time together with my cell group on Christmas eve and the next day we visited our sister from the cell group, who was sick and stayed in the hospital, right on Christmas day, first Christmas day ever for me by visiting a hospital. We spent time later by visiting an old granny, who lives alone and needs for a care and loves from others. My boss also asked me once to visit a poor lady and gave her a package of foods, drinks, and household needs and tried to give a motivation and support for her. What a time to care and share !

And then i decided to be a 'secret' Santa for all the cell group members, at least for those who's still in Berlin during the break. I want to share love by giving gifts but in the same time i want to give a motivation and also address my point of view bout their life added by some suggestions how to make their life better. I tried to be "tegas/straight" tapi/but "lembut/soft". Not using a radical way or dictator way to address my feelings for them. 

At first i thought it would be so easy but believe me it's not easy at all. First you know i need to spent lot of time to write all those "love letters" for them, finding right words to express my admiration, my disappointment, my anger, my loves, my concerns, my motivational message for them in such a beautiful and soft way added with some bible verses that suit them the most.

It's also very hard to find all those presents. Spending time to shop all the presents, wrapping them one by one. also i'm not the family member of Ciputra or Bakrie. I had to find something that still affordable with my limits. You know my bills for Mc'Donalds and cafes for the past months was quite crazy, more or less than 100 euros just for Mc'D ! Whenever i have to order something in Mc'D nowadays, i'm consider to buy 'more' just to share with the others. In the end it was paid with their lovely and smiling faces. Just try it by yourself and you will understand exactly how do i feel.

It was not ended there, the most difficult part : TO PUT ALL THOSE PRESENTS SECRETLY. Oh God it was really really hard. Trying to be like a detective who has to find right moment, right time, and in the right place. It took longer than I've imagined for. I need to cooperate with some friends, some relatives and thanks God they helped me in such an amazing way. Made some "tricks" using mailing post delivery. Gasping around to put the presents in their bags. Delivering to their house and put it in front of the door just like a Santa. And finally it was done !!!! Hallelujah !

If you're asking me, why should i do all that things ?? It's really easy for me to answer it : I just want to share some love this Christmas, that's it. Nothing else. I taught them a lot to be a cheerful giver and so do i. I couldn't teach them just by giving theory, you need a real proof. We, as human being, normally learn by seeing a real example. I don't give in order to get but i give to inspire others to give. Giving is also a way to be thankful of what you have right now, in my opinion. Maybe my gifts is not a precious things or an expensive things but i did it with my best.

Few days later the talks about that secret presents started in our groups, they just asked for the initial names in the letters or cards that they have received and whether anyone else also got the same one. One by one received the items. So i just kept quiet, some of them then text-ed me and said that i should be the one who do that, again i just kept silence. I'm happy because some of the showing off their happiness to receive all those gifts. Hey man, to see those happiness is priceless for sure ! At least for me ... But my flatmate revealed all the secrets in the end, i just forgot to tell her bout my plans so she told my cell groups member honestly that i'm the one who did it. Too bad. Grrr .. 


I didn't expect to get anything from them and it's true i almost got nothing from them also, only one member of the cell group who gave me back a present which is really touched my heart with such a very beautiful bible verse. BUT wait for a secs, i keep receiving Christmas presents one by one. Mostly from our church members. We also got surprised too from my 'Spain' friends who gave us chocolate with some lovely message thanking for the love and hospitality during their visits here. 

I got chocolates from my cell group member, from some church friends, from my flatmates, and from my relatives. I got lot of chocolates. I'm wondering why ?????! How could it happened since last year as long as i remembered i just got one gift on Christmas day.

God put something in my heart and taught me :

Galatians 6:7b  for whatever seed a man puts in, that will he get back as grain.

Gw menabur banyak cokelat di natal kali ini, yah jangan heran kalau menuai lebih banyak lagi cokelat. The chocolates that i received worth even more than my givings ! I'm just be thankful for all the lovely wishes and gifts that i've received. I never regret of "giving", God knows whatever you do and He never fail His promises. 

I never expect to get back some chocolates but they're just coming to you automatically. it's the basic rule of the game ! Once you're in, He will amaze you with all His promises.

Some Chocolates that I got last Christmas ! (still not all)

Terlebih lagi pas gw liat salah satu orang ada bawa bungkusan paper bag dari chocolate house cukup keren di Berlin, gw kira itu untuk bos nya atau jangan - jangan pasti dia baru dikasih itu cokelat sama orang lain deh. Eh gak tahunya tiba - tiba  dikasih ke gw, ya ampun saya terharu biru dan surprised. Kayaknya itu berkali kali ganda mahalnya dibanding coklat - coklat yang gw beli deh, suer. Padahal sebenernya gw gak kasih hadiah natal apapun ke orang itu loh. Akhirnya gw makan satu2 dengan sayang2 coklatnya itu tak lupa membagi para tetangga di rumah dan setiap ngeliat kotak itu coklat cuma inget betapa Tuhan gak pernah ingkar akan janjiNya dan bikin gw makin sadar bahwa semua janji2 di firmanNya akan dipenuhi asal kita nya yang mau taat dan setia melakukan.

Danke Schoen !

Loh loh loh kenapa jadi bahasa indo ??? Ya sudahlah lah mungkin otak ini udah lelah mikirin inggris yg semakin kacau balau. Ini udah subuh juga jadi harap maklum yah.

Gw cuma mau bilang menjadi santa claus ternyata berhasil membuat gw lebih bersyukur akan apa yang gw miliki. Ditengah keterbatasan gw, masih bisa memberi itu adalah sesuatu anugerah yang luar biasa. Berilah maka padamu akan diberi, suatu takaran yang dipadatkan bener2 ditambahkan kepadamu. Tabur dan tuai itu prinsip dasar yang bisa kita praktekin dalam hal apapun, baik sikap kita, pekerjaan kita, kasih kita, dsb nya. Gw gak menyesal untuk jadi seperti santa karena Tuhan udah menjadi "Santa Claus" buat gw sebelumnya. 

Semoga dari kado kado misterius yang anak-anak komsel gw dapet bisa menginspirasi mereka semua untuk bisa memberi lebih lagi. Bisa belajar untuk jadi agent of love and cheerful giver. Itu tujuan utama gw dan kenapa harus rahasia2an ??? karena gw mau mereka juga belajar sometimes gak penting untuk reveal and show off kepada orang yang dikasih kalau kitalah yang memberi. Tujuan kita kan bukan bikin orang itu berterima kasih sama pribadinya kita atau biar dia jadi baik sama kita. no bukan itu ! 

Sebab ada tertulis :

Matthew 6:3  But when you give money, let not your left hand see what your right hand does.

Nah tuh kan dibilang kalau tangan kanan memberi, tangan kiri gak perlu tau. Anw udahlah sekian aja post gw tentang Santa2an ini. Gw rasa udah kepanjangan. Intinya jangan pernah menyesal karena kita memberi dan percaya deh quotes ini dibawah ini bagus banget dan it really happens in mylife, akalu gak percaya silahkan buktiin sendiri :

"There are two kinds of people in the world. Givers and Takers. The takers may eat better but the givers sleep better."

Salam hangat, peluk dan doa,
BG/HI - Bendahara Gereja / Humas & Informasi
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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Corat Coret Penuh Arti

Berlin, 21.04.2014

Endlich bin ich wieder da ! well udah terlalu lama blog ini diterlantarkan sih karena emang terlalu banyak hal yang harus dikerjain disini setiap hari setiap jam setiap detik gak ada yg namanya leha - leha seperti yg orang selalu bayangin tentang kehidupan student di luar negeri. I don't have a blissful life like what i used to have before but i'm not regret bout it ... wah wah kok jd mulai curhat ini .. mari kembali lanjutkan ke topik awal dimana kali ini gw menyempatkan diri buat kembali corat coret disini, i should write this post just to express my opinion bout things around me right now.

Minggu - minggu belakangan ini disini lagi banyak bahasan tentang kepribadian seseorang so udah pasti jadinya gw melewati minggu ini dengan banyak banget yang namanya diskusi. Istilahnya nih mulai dari tokoh tingkat dewa, tokoh tingkat jenderal, tokoh protagonis, tokoh antagonis sampe rakyat jelata udah mengemukakan pendapat nya masing - masing tentang si "orang" ini dan udah bertukar pikiran dan gw juga udah cuap cuap sana sini mencoba ikutan untuk pro aktif dengan cara gw sendiri. And well it's my turn right now disini buat corat coret lagi mengungkapkan segala pikiran yang ada.

Intinya menurut gw disini ketika kita membahas kepribadian seseorang udah pasti kita gak bisa jauh - jauh dari yang namanya kedewasaan. Sebenernya kalo ditanya apa sih kepribadian yang oke menurut gw sendiri ? gw yakin semua orang punya beribu - ribu penjelasan yang sesuai sama taste masing - masing yang bisa bikin perdebatan gak akan berenti sampe Tuhan dateng kedua kalinya hahaha ... tapi yang pasti benang merah nya nih gak jauh - jauh dr yg namanya kedewasaan. Kalo gw ditanya apakah gw udah dewasa ? gw akan jawab pastinya masih dalam proses, sebuah jawaban retorik dan penuh kehati - hatian.

Dalam beberapa minggu terakhir ini gw melihat banyak sekali kejadian - kejadian yang secara tidak langsung bs mencerminkan kepribadian orang itu. Tapi to be honest gak ada proses menuju kedewasaan yang instant dan karbitan, apapun itu mau pake segala jurus juga gak akan berhasil. Ini soalnya bicara mengenai respons seseorang terhadap apa yang lagi dihadapi. 

Kedewasaan bukanlah bicara mengenai usia, tetapi lebih banyak mengenai pengendalian diri dan tanggung jawab. Orang dewasa tentu tahu mana yang baik dan buruk, dan dia selalu memikirkan apa yang akan dilakukannya, dampak-dampaknya, jadi tidak asal dalam bertindak. Kalau kita bertemu orang yang "nggak dewasa" menurut pandangan kita, cobalah menyikapinya dengan dewasa. Orang dewasa nggak akan men-judge sesuatu tanpa juntrungan yang jelas dan selalu berusaha memandang perbedaan dari sisi yang bijak.

"Kedewasaan yang indah akan menjadikan kita anak muda yang anggun dalam hidup kita."

well kalau ditanya sekali lagi, apakah gw merasa udah dewasa ?
to be honest gw hanya akan bilang kalau sekarang ini gw merasa cukup anggun untuk ukuran usia gw tapi gw selalu berusaha untuk lebih anggun lagi. titik. 
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Friday, January 20, 2012

I am what i am

a thousand masks
across the world
separated by time
separated by distance
live the same life
as you want them to
monday to sunday
morning to evening
day and night
its the same
same lies
same treachery
for the same love
that you care a dime
i am what i am
i dont want fame
i dont want pity
all i want is to be loved
i am what i am
and nobody else
i am what i am
and not same as everyone else
i am what i am
and not one in a crowd
whereever i go
i know where i stand
i am what i am
i am what i am
i can’t be the one all of you want
i can’t be the one you dream of
i am not the "hunk"
i am not the "villian"
i am not the one with the "looks"
i am what i am
don’t try and change me
to be a person of your dreams
i am not the guy
with an identity each day
with a mask for each occasion
with a life for each person
i am what i am
just an ordinary guy
sitting next to all of you
with a single mask for all occasion
with a single identity every day
with a single life for all
i am what i am
the invisible ordinary guy
and the odd one
with an unique identity.

by: praveen
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4

Heiiii hooo ..

Hmm actually i really want to write so many things in my blog but i don't have much time to do it ..
hiks T.T .. but now i can share a little bit bout my life, maybe it's not a long story but i think it's quite inspiring.

sooo .. many of you will confuse bout the tittle of this post .. 1,4 1,4 1,4
what kind of number is that ?!?! but believe me it's not a lotto number, i'm not gambling here ;p hahaha
the correct answer is .. my final score in the preparation college.

As you all know, maybe not all of you .. so better to tell you once again, all foreigner or international students must learn at the preparation course for 1 year before studying at the university. But since the beginning you have to choose the specific course that you want to study later so that they can guide you to your course .. i choose Technic as my major here.

I started my college in Berlin University of Technology in febuary 2011 and i manage to finish it on time. Actually it was a little bit hard in the beginning .. everything is in German from the book, note, lesson, untill the test !!! arrgghhh i'm going to be crazy .. I've faced so many difficulties and also problems due to my study of course .. But now it's overrr, i'm already free, no more college .. *just forget bout the new life at university next april* hahaha .. i think it's gonna be much much much harder than the college ..

Okay back to the topic pleaseee ... 1,4 .. it's amazing, i've never imagined that i could achieved this high score. Despite my German is like a disaster *even until now* but i think i'm willing to obtain this score and i'm really really thankful for this score. You must know that it was really scarred to do the test in a very big hall that is filled with hundreds of persons and actually i've already prepared for the worst because i thought i would get only 70 - 75 %. i didn't do the final tests very well .. fiuhhh

My target since the beginning of my college is just 1,7 which means 85% in average for all the subjects. But it turns out amazingly, 1,4 is just about 90% wohooo .. Thanks God for His grace, it's not about me but about God's favor. I just tried my best and always try to be in the right path with all the strategies that i've planned before due to my target ..  haha .. and let God always do the rest .. and at the end 1,4 *happy* Although i thought it could be better if i got 1,0 - 1,3 ( 90 - 95%), even the fact is no one got this score in the final result of our college for this semester :p that means my score is in the list of the top score .. yohoooo ..

Still afraid of the next journey. it's just the beginning and the road ahead is still very long .. but i have seen the bright light in this road .. i'm readddyyy for thr next journey ... tralalalaala .. hahaha

So for you guys, never ever give up with all the conditions that you have to face in this life !!!

NB : my English is getting worse nowadays, since i don't really use it here .. errr my bad. i have to learn more so that i can refresh my memory again .. haha
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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Highlights of 2011

Who says that living abroad for a student is always about studying ?!?!
I've passed 2011 with lot of amazing moments, of course without forgetting about my study ;p
Here are some photos about my activities in Germany throughout the year, so that you can feel
my excitement in living here ! Bye 2011, i'll miss you a lot, a year that full of blessings, loves,
and also happiness .. somehow i miss my families, my friends, my teachers, my schools, indonesian foods
especially MARTABAK !!!! grrr i always craving for this kind of food, my home and still many other else,
on the other hand i've learned so many things since i've lived here ! it's really exciting and also challenging,
and i have never been bored of learning something new ..  sooo ... at the end, Welcome 2012 !!!

my friends sent me off at the airport, thanks guys :) - january 2011

Miss you all !!

Germany, here i come !!! :)

Playing frisbee at park !! summer - May 2011

Trip to peacock island

Birthday surprise at night ... 

My first birthday ever in Berlin, thanks for the cake - May 2011

Masak Batagor bareng !

Suasana menunggu batagor mateng :p *muka - muka kelaperan*

sunday service at GBI Berlin

Big family of GBI Berlin

Having fun after sunday service !!

small study group with Dr.Schilling

BBQ time at park - summer time

My Baptism - 2011

Our class visited Germany's Auto Engineering Company 

Dinner with Pastor Thio Yansen at "Good Friends" Chinese restaurant

Studying Chemistry outdoor .. hahaha

Visiting Erfurt - Thueringen 

Christmas market in Berlin Spandau

This is how we spent our free time ..

decorating for christmas

 Christmas's Drama  2011

on the Christmas's stage - 25th December 2011

Short trip to Hannover at the end of 2011

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Intersection - "zu viel Gedanken um alles"

Well rasanya gak perlu tiap postingan isinya kata2 bijak semua kan ? :p haha 
sometimes we really need time for ourselves and that's what i'm doing right now.

Hmm judul ini terinspirasi dari trailer salah satu film pendek yang bakal ikutan
pentas seni pelajar indonesia di Berlin. Kemaren ini sempet liat video trailer nya di
facebook dan kayaknya pas banget buat judul kali ini. Okay cukup udah basa basi nya 
biar nggak bertele - tele dan makin nggak jelas ujungnya *gdubrak*

"ich mache mich zu viel Gedanken um alles"

Itulah kalimat yg bisa menggambarkan kondisi saat ini. Entah kenapa terlalu banyak
yang dipikirin sampe- sampe minggu ini sering jalan muter2 di taman nya berlin sore2 di
tengah cuaca yang semakin hari semakin kayak kulkas ini *fiuhh* sepertinya agak dodol
dan kayak orang depresi haha but i'm still fine untill now :) ini cuma buat mengurangi pikiran aja kok.

FSP udah di depan mata tinggal beberapa minggu lagi dan datenglah hari untuk ujian akhir 
college ini. Gak berasa banget tiba2 udah 2 semester aja di studkol perasaan kemaren baru masuk
studkol dah .. Ditengah waktu yang makin deket ini, bahasa jerman juga aja masih terpuruk !!
*jedotin pala ke tembok*. Cuma satu pelajaran ini doank yang bikin pala muter - muter, kalo untuk 
yang lain nya masih aman terkendali lah .. haha.

Keraguan tentang ini itu,takut ini itu, tentang mappe, urus bewerbung, mikirin ini itu rasanya
mulai melintas kayak kereta api di kepala .. tut tut tut .. sampe2 bikin kepala berasep *agak lebay*
Dan sekarang 2 semester di jurusan technik akan segera berakhir. Waktunya milih jurusan lagi
yang lebih spesifik. Dari dulu pilih memilih jurusan bukan satu hal yang gampang buat orang yang
susah mengambil keputusan like meee .. Berusaha menghindar dari dulu dan mikir nanti aja, masih
 bisa belakangan yang penting 2 semester di Technik lulus dulu, dan sekarang 2 bulan lagi udah
saatnya harus milih. If only i could stop the time...

Kalo ngomong sama temen2 yang lain pasti masing2 punya pendapatnya sendiri. 
Dari yang promosiin jurusan nya,  belom lagi yang meragukan kemampuan kita, terus ada lagi yang bilang ini 
bilang itu. Yang ada saking banyak nya saran malah jadi tambah puyeng. 
But i think the one that know the best for us ist ourselves, not the others. 
Despite God loh, ini ausnahme sowieso God yang paling tau. 
Tapi kalo bicara hal ini, mestinya diri kita sendiri yang mestinya tau mana yang terbaik ,
mana yang cocok n mana yang mampu buat diri kita masing2.

Omong2 jurusan sebeneenya masih pengen ngelanjutin ke Arsitektur, tapi banyak yang bilang klo Jerman
bukan tempet yang cocok buat belajar Arsitek, mau medical engineering tapi takut sama bahasa nya yang
pasti bikin lidah nyangkut kalo ngomong, itu pasti banyak kata2 khususnya buat medical. 
Informatik kayaknyagak gitu sreg. Jadi apa dong ?!?!!! grrr ...

Belom lagi kalo emang mau langsung lanjut di summer semester ini berarti harus hampir pasti pindah kota, 
which means i have to leave my wonderful life in Berlin. 
Karena gw gak mau nungu2 lama nanti bisa makin lama lulusnya dah di negeri ini, 
ditambah winter semester taon depan itu ada 3 gelombang yaitu abitur 13 tahun, abitur 12 tahun
 n anak2 studkol. Spertinya chance nya agak berat dan sedikit berisiko kalo nunggu winter semester. 

Hmm .. Pindah dari ibukota ke kota lain yang belom tentu segede berlin, serame berlin, semurah berlin sama sekali bukan hal mudah kayaknya. Berlin gefaellt mir sehr. 
Anak2 Berlin yang rajin2, Temen2 gereja yang udah jadi keluarga selama disini, temen2 studkol seperjuangan. 
Rasanya susah buat pindah dari sini dan ngebayangin sendirian di kota lain. hufffh .. 
Tapi semakin hari pilihan kayaknya malah udah menuju ke beberapa kota lain 
dan Berlin nggak termasuk dalam liste. Schade ,, :(

Belom lagi Mappe buat bewerbung (Application) kalo lanjut ke Arsitektur, Vorpraktikum, dll 
bikin pala makin muter2 aja kayak komedi puter yang gak berenti - berenti. 
Kalo ibaratnya kata Garry di Running Man "Stress!"

"Apa harus lanjut ke arsitek ? Ato pilih jurusan lain ? Apa harus tinggalin Berlin ?? Apa mesti nunggu Winter Semester?"

Na ja .. Mal sehen spaeter .. God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. 
Buat kali ini way nya sih banyak tapi buat milih way nya itu yang susah. 
Sama kayak kalo lagi di intersection ( perempatan ) mau milih jalan pasti bingung. Karena kalo sampe salah pilih jalan nyari puter baliknya nggak gampang dan makan waktu pastinya ..

Na ja.. Hoeffentlich wird alles in Ordnung.. und sowie was ich gehofft habe .. 

perasaan sekarang kalo ngutip postingan ci rita di blognya bisa terlukiskan sama emoticon monyet yang kena bom terus abis itu muncul bintang2 muter di kepala nya :D

So ist das Leben :$

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thank You :)

Hi Guys !!

Just wanna say thanks for all your lovely comments bout my blog via Facebook, Twitter and also Mail :)
I really appreciate it.

Yah meskipun masih blog baru dan postingan nya pun bisa diitung pake jari tapi seneng banget rasanya klo ternyata banyak peminatnya dan juga pembacanya hahaha .. Belakangan ini mulai ada yang kirim message via Facebook ato email tentang comment mereka for this blog dan sebagian besar i've never known them before jadi murni orang yang secara nggak sengaja mampir ke blog ini hahahaha .. :p

Anw ada 1 lagi nih, bisa liat kan gambar diatas ?? hahaha terutama buat bagian yang dibawah foto nya :p
Yap, that's the adress of my blog. Jadi secara nggak sengaja juga, i found that this website take one of the picture from my blog and publish it at their website. Jadi mereka ada bikin quizz tentang royal wedding gitu dan salah 1 pertanyaan nya diambil dari review di blog ini tentang hand bouquet nya Kate Middleton :D aaaaa so happy to know 'bout this. Yah berarti at least website ini pernah baca dan mampir di blog ini .. senangnya blog yang masih newbie and nggak ada apa - apa ini bisa dikunjungin sama Elspeth Lodge.

Dan dari statistic yang ada juga nggak tau kenapa tapi postingan tentang royal wedding ini lah yang paling banyak diliat sama orang2 mungkin sebagian besar orang2 yang nyasar nyari berita tentang royal wedding di google kali yahh hahaha .. tapi untungnya review nya pake bahasa inggris walopun masi belepotan tapi se nggak nya mereka ngerti lah yah kalo baca :p wkwkkwk ..

Okay that's all ! See you soon guys .. need to prepare for the tests -__-" haha ..
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